Why bloggers are changing the world of scuba diving … and how you can help them

The world of scuba diving is changing : focus on diving blogs
In recent years, many blogs have appeared, offering Internet users a wide range of experiences, reflections and / or invitations to explore the wonderful world of scuba diving.
Without perhaps always realizing it, every day we are indeed exposed to blog articles which are relayed on social networks. Besides our favorite magazines, do blogs also have a place in the world of diving?
Why these diving blogs led by scuba diving enthusiasts are interesting for the evolution of our favorite hobby?
1 Bloggers are passionate about everything
It’s the passion of diving that push bloggers to share widely the fruit of their experiences and knowledge with all users. As they are passionate, they have trouble stopping. As addicted who seek information from everywhere, they are always ready to relay it.
2 Bloggers are free
No editorial policy to follow dictated by an editor (but, on the other side, no support of him ;-)). The interest of diving blogs is that they are spaces of free expression.
Also free to everyone to consult, comment, share appreciated articles, …
As long as the author does not break the law, he is free to talk about the subject that is close to his heart when he wants to: i.e talk about scuba diving under ice in the middle of summer? Put sharks back in the spotlight? Talk about the respect of marine animals in underwater photo? Do you want to go to Costa Rica or test the diving cruise?
All subjects are good to be treated freely at any time of the year.
3 Bloggers are present on social networks
Most bloggers are (very) active on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or other social networks. This allows them to stay close to the expectations of their readers, to make the different groups live, to propose new discoveries, …
4 Bloggers are testing
Many bloggers are outstanding testers: new diving equipment, new destinations, new experiences (for example: archeological diving, rebreather diving, night diving, …), … bloggers love it and are able to give a neutral opinion to their subscribers when they do not have commercial agreements.
When they have entered into a partnership with a brand of diving equipment, they clearly indicate it on their diving blogs … Without necessarily damaging their integrity 😉
5 Bloggers specialize
Some of them are specialized in diving photography, technical diving, and underwater exploration stories from around the world (and they are unmatched in making you feel the emotion and the sensations experienced during their dives), others like to question and push the reflection of their readers on their favorite topics or animate their blog as a personal dive journal.
6 Bloggers expose themselves
Whether criticism, disillusionment, sometimes hard (see painful), sharing, exchanges, always pleasant (sometimes downright wonderful), animating diving blogs involves exposing more or less intensely.
As a result, bloggers share not only their passion for diving with you but also slices of their lives, emotions, …
How can you help them? (And participate in the evolution of the world of scuba diving)
One day, I read the comment (unpleasant) of a user. He saids that I was writing “in the hope people would read me”
Euuuh … I was speechless
My goal is obviously to spend very long hours writing articles that, I hope, will never be read, normal … Finally, please, a little common sense!
Bloggers write to share their vision of diving on their blogs with as many people as possible with the desire to reach readers. And it’s obviously up to internet users to decide if they like (or not) what they read and continue or stop reading the blog.
For my part, I am delighted to see that after a few years my blog is in Feedspot’s list of the 70 best diving blogs
Also, if you want to help them (and you also participate in the evolution of the world of diving), there is nothing easier. Get in touch with them. Comment on the topics. Share the articles you like to your contacts, dive groups or social networks, … It really makes us happy.
And if you leave us a comment directly on the blog … we love it too.
Let’s go for scuba diving open to all with pleasure and safety
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And above all … do not forget to be happy
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