Une femme plonge et observe un poisson

In 2018, it’s challenging to have yet to set up an international day of women’s rights.

Glued in stereotypes since childhood, discriminated in their job (positions and salaries), victims of violence, … When they are not excluded from certain activities, women remain in 2018 regularly relegated to domestic tasks, assuming this famous mental load put forward for some time, at the expense of leisure time. So women and diving is not always on top of the ranking.

I have more than once taken my keyboard to question gender inequality in scuba diving activities (as in this article that made a lot of clatter) or to encourage all women to start this exciting activity also made for them (through this one). Women and diving is just fine.

On this very special day of March 8th. I could not fail to honor all these women who have entered a world of diving. Until recently reserved for men, and who have allowed this universe to move towards greater equity.

More and more. Each in their own way, they worked for more openness and more access for everyone in the underwater world

The practitioners, women and diving.

They are named Sylvie, Cécile, Hannah, Manu, Aurélie, Nadia, Sandrine, Geneviève, Isabelle, Dinda, Céline or Amanda and the differences between men and women. They don’t care about it. These women like to dive and that’s enough for them. The stereotypes like “diving is a sport for dude, real guy”, they definitely don’t care. Women and diving is possible. And if they are the only women on the boat, it does not matter. They enjoy just as their male pals the beauties and unique sensations that provide this activity. Alone or with their partners in life, they go 100% in this magnificent activity that suits them so well.
Their mere presence (even if it is still minimal in the world of TEK diving). Is enough to promote diving for women to the benefit of all ….

… Thank you girls !

The pros

They are called Vinnci, Lou, Aurore, Marine, Clementine, Stephanie, Mary, Liz, Jessica or Marlene and they made the choice one day to refuse the 9 to 5 life. They left “home” to work like dive master or instructors every day of the year in the sun. Of course, their work is not always easy and women and diving probably deserves to be improved (as proposed here), but they like to see the small spark shining in the eyes of the divers they guide on the most beautiful spots of the planet (and they also like to live in sunny latitudes )

… Thank you girls !


They are called Fabienne, Maud, Donna, Amber or Pauline and they devote part of their time to a cause that is close to their heart: defend sharks, protect turtles, give classes in associations, invest in the cleaning of the oceans, … all have in common this voluntary fiber that drives them and allows them to move mountains of energy to invest in the actions that are dear to them. For all of us, they preserve marine ecosystems.

… Thank you girls !

The independents

They are called Nathalie, Isabelle, Adriana, Laure, Sarah or Natasha and they had the “guts” to develop their own business in a world largely dominated by men, sometimes even in TEK diving. Director of underwater films. Dive center managers. Oceanographers, professional platform divers or owners of a dream liveaboard ship, they made it ! Although they are aware that their work has asked them for sacrifices. They regret nothing and are proud of the results and the progress made. Their motto is most certainly never to consider their activity as a job but as an accumulation of happiness. For our pleasure, they realize extraordinary projects. Yes women and diving is also possible for tek diving.

… Thank you girls !

The “on line” girls, that are ream women and diving.

They are called Florine, Marlies, Anne-Sophie, Hélène, Corine, Anne, Viviane, Shelley, Cherryl, Aurélie, Stephanie and they have chosen to widely disseminate information through their blogs, pages or groups on social networks, in specialized magazines, events such as this one, … They are looking for the most interesting and relevant information to offer and to contribute to the reflection on and around the diving activity.

…Thank you girls

The list would be too long to list all the women who invest time in the fascinating world of diving and the fascinating projects they develop. One key word, women and diving is possible.

Although I forget a lot and no matter how they evolve in the world of diving, all these women are nevertheless the essential links of a positive evolution of this wonderful universe. It’s a real pleasure to be able to meet them … and they deserve today this little post of (joyful) mood on Different Dive

And you ladies, where are you?

Good bubbles … and do not forget to be happy

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