Une femme fait un briefing de plongée sur son bateau de croisiÚre en Egypte

Working in the world of scuba diving when you are passionate is a bit like a dream.

But the reality is not always as simple as the dream that we can have. And going for daily repetitive dive in a center or on a liveaboard can be discouraging. Yet, there are different formulas, opportunities to seize, ideas to dream of and then to put in place. The world of diving is wonderful.

You dream of working in the world of scuba diving but you think that it is impossible to live from your passion on a liveaboard ?

So, let me tell you about Isabelle’s incredible adventure:

I met Isabelle on a diving liveaboard. A women with a lot of character. And a sharp way of thinking at first sight but Isabelle hides in her heart a great sensitivity, humor and especially.

A lot of good sense and a lot of humility in the world of scuba diving in particular and underwater life in general.

How did she start working in the field of scuba diving ?

Born in Marseille in 1973, Isabelle met the world of diving very early in her childhood. Her father (diver) introduced her to the big blue as of the age of 6 . Isabelle then could not stop diving. While she moves to Haute-Savoie every summer. She continues to dive regularly with her father on the Giens peninsula, but not on a liveaboard.

Living in the mountains does not prevent her from diving. In lakes, she will be trained and get all her certifications.

Lifestyle change

At 29, Isabelle loses her accounting job in which she does not feel fine at all.

As she has always been willing to move here and there. She lives with her small suitcase open. Ready to leave as soon as she arrived somewhere (;-)), … she does not do not like things that are frozen. She likes renewal, surprise and especially having fun … Isabelle decides to move on and change live.

This is the time when she meets Serge who wanted to change his life too.

Together, they make a common CV and send it to Egypt, in all French-speaking centers but not yet for liveaboard.

Going away with the aim of being employed as instructors and to take a few years to see. They finaly decide to stay there.

Birth of a project for a liveaboard

Two years later, their dream of having their own business. Combined with the weariness of the “diver’s factory” spirit of the center that employs them. Decides them to imagine the creation of something new . They imagine a project whose objective is to offer divers to dive “differently”. The idea of a liveaboard is preparing to come alive.

Divers would no longer be “credit cards” but people with whom Isabelle and Serge could share their passion for diving.

Is it possible ? Can we go from dream to reality? Can one become one’s own boss and create the dive structure made in his image?

Isabelle and Serge did it and in 2006, Anthias Plongée, the liveaboard organization was born with a rented boat.

Isabelle will then spend her life on this boat for cruises in the Red Sea, taking pleasure in better and better welcoming customers who want to join her for weeks of diving and happiness on this boat.

This is probably one of the advantages to work in the field of diving: meeting passionate people who come there to have fun, to be happy.

The adventure of Nautile Evo

During a liveaboard cruise, a customer offers to join them and invest together in the construction of a new boat. Isabelle and Serge are not afraid of the size of the project proposed by Kimo. After 8 months of happiness and administrative problems, on June 1, 2008, the Nautile Evo left the marina to sail in the clear and warm waters of the Red Sea to St John’s reefs.

Since then, the Nautilus Evo has continued to navigate the Egyptian waters from North to South: North cruises , Brothers – Deadalus – Elphinston (BDE) cruises, South cruise, family cruises, … everything is explored and allows Isabelle to know the places inside out.

However, if you ask her the question, she will tell you that each dive, even after more than 10 years, always leaves her as amazed as the first day. Would she know this wonderful secret that makes all dives from her liveaboard a success ?

Working in scuba diving business: dream or nightmare ?

When I ask Isabelle what she likes and enjoys the least in her work , the answer is clear: “my work has almost nothing but positive points! The view from my office (from where I manage my bookings and planning) is a 360 ° turquoise blue … I work with 25 divers every week who are on vacation so generally relaxed and happy 😉 “.

But all is not 100% fine and Isabelle willingly admits that the lack of privacy for more than 10 years has been difficult: “I have lived only for Anthias and Nautile Evo. But I do not complain. The divers who have followed each other on the boat for a liveaboard week have given me so much and still give me so much … “

Today, Isabelle has finally managed to give up a little of her work and she shares her time between Switzerland where her sweet heart lives and Egypt where she comes very regularly.

With Serge, her business partner, they share their presence on the liveaboard with the instructors because these instructors know their work perfectly and have no problem to stay alone on the boat for some weeks. All this little world is coordinating, with the team a shore, to offer divers the beauty of the Egyptian underwater experiences.

A woman in the diving business

For Isabelle, it was not a slam dunk. If the world of diving still seems sometimes (unfortunately) reserved for men (do not hesitate to read the article on this subject ;-)), she admits she had difficulty at first because she lacked confidence and some divers made her rather disparaging remarks as soon as she told them something …

I cried a lot when I started !

Yet, with experience and ease, being a woman in this business turns out to be an asset to her because it allows her, she says, to solve a lot of problems by talking calmly with someone,  and “messages” go much better with a smile 😉

With the Egyptian crew, she never had any problem and everyone is very respectful (and even caring) with her, … isn’t that nice ?

And the future for your liveaboard ?

Isabelle’s Nautile Evo project is going well and every year she and her business partner are thinking about improvements that will give even more pleasure to all divers.

Currently, she continues to have projects. In addition to continuing to sail the Nautile Evo for a long time while continuing to combine her private life and her work, she plans to have her PFO (Patent Foramen Ovale) operated in order to resume the Trimix rebreather diving which she likes so much.

Finally, she confides to me, she might also have other professional projects soon, maybe very soon 😉

To follow so …

And you, what is your project ?

Want to share your experiences, comments and questions about your projects in the scuba diving business ?

Post a comment below … it will make me really happy to discover all what diving brings you

Good bubbles and do not forget to be happy

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This article is totally independent of the company Anthias. I received no compensation in return for this article. I test for pleasure to discover new places and new dive experiences. Do not hesitate to contact me if you also want to highlight the action you take via the contact form on this page. I will be happy to come and discover them as far as I can.