A diving gear distributor, why?

A diving gear distributor, why?
The diving equipment, we dream it, we imagine it, we test it and then one day… We end up getting it. But do we know where it comes from? Focus on the job of Patrick, distributor of scuba diving equipment, but is there a need for a diving gear distributor? Let’s have a look.
It was during a discussion with Laure, my favorite diving equipment saleswoman (and blogger also), that I was put in touch with Patrick. As soon as he was interested in my blog, he invited me to visit the warehouse of the company Amilco of which he is one of the actors. Specialized in the distribution of diving equipment, Amilco covers the Benelux.
Patrick has been a diving instructor for many years. Great fan of diving in Zeeland (what, you do not know Zeeland? Take a look here), Patrick will serve me as a guide in the meanderings of this distribution company. He explains to me the origin, the operation but also the interest of a a diving gear distributor.
Distributor of diving equipment: exploring Amilco
Amilco is the exclusive diving gear distributor for Benelux for the Suunto, Bare, Ursuit, Metalsub, Oceama, Gooper, Gear Aid by McNett and TearAid brands. But also the exclusive distributor for Holland (so not for the Benelux) for the brands Aqua Lung and Aqua Sphere.
Anyway, for me it is mostly a maze of diving equipment, a multi-brand distributor. But also, an unusual place from which I have a hard time getting out. Would you be able to escape from such a place?
Large walkways filled with diving suits, computer shelves, parts of all kinds, … The place impresses me. I had no idea that this kind of distribution company existed. So of course, I couldn’t help but jump into a diving suit, admire the impressive stocks and listen carefully to Patrick’s explanations.
Although everything seems perfectly organized, in the age of the internet and easy controls, I ask Patrick how this diving equipment distribution company brings a plus in the chain of delivery of the equipment.
Here’s the 5-points answer:
- Knowledge of the needs of divers. The company is in constant contact with dive equipment stores. As a result, it can better target the expectations of diving enthusiasts.
- Reactivity: In the event of a customer’s request, the company can react very quickly and route the material to the dealer. When the parent company sometimes takes more than a week to make the same result
- Important stock… which allows you to be responsive. You have to see the number of diving suits and other equipment present in large quantities in the building… It’s just crazy.
- Very low control error. At Amilco everything is automated. The risk of errors for orders is therefore reduced to the minimum.
- Repairs and tests. The company offers “front-line” repair services. But also tests especially via their compression chamber.
During my visit to their headquarters in the Netherlands of this a diving gear distributor, in addition to meeting a true scuba diving enthusiast, I was able to discover a profession of the diving world that I did not know. The one as a distributor of diving equipment. Indeed, I was completely unaware of the existence of the diving equipment distribution companies.
A (re)discover for those interested in diving equipment issues:
Discover other diving jobs:
- Behind the scenes of Aqua Lung
- Working in a dive centre, the dream?
- Diving jobs: 5 major business sectors
- Revaluing the diving jobs
The job of a diving gear distributor, do you know? You had no idea it existed? Do you like it?
Tell me all via a comment below directly on the blog. I always respond to everyone with joy and good humor.
And above all … remember to be happy 🤗
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