How to choose your diving mask today, what about your look ?

I could have written a really interesting and documented article on how to choose your diving mask.
A diving mask is important to see underwater here are some tips to make the good choice
I would have told you about a choice according to:
- Type of activity for a diving mask: snorkeling, spear fishing, snorkeling or diving
- The style of your diving mask. One glass (one glass that offers a clearer field of vision). Two glasses (two glasses, with a separation, which allow the addition of corrective lenses)
- What kind of glass: polycarbonate (unbreakable but faster scratched) or tempered glass, only cheap mask still use polycarbonate
- Which skirt (yes, yes, it’s called like that): it’s the flexible part of the mask. Bi-material supposed to be more comfortable or transparent for more visual comfort.
- Easy adjustment of the straps and the position of the mask itself
- Choice for your face. Smaller for a narrow face. With a wider skirt for prominent eyebrows. More space for the nose for those who need it.
The article would have even explained you the technique to check if the diving mask suits you:
Put the mask on your face without the strap, inspire by the nose and release the mask (by breathing only with your nose). If it sticks to your face and does not press your nose, your eyebrows … it should be good
However, I thought that there were a lot of such articles on the web. In the meantime, your favorite dealer would certainly recommend you in the best way. And, above all, I really wanted to share with you my last finding.
Indeed, what a joy, happiness, what ecstasy (really, do you think I exaggerate?) to discover during the 21st Paris Dive Show the display of colors in the new diving mask collections of almost all major brands of diving equipment …
… and I LOVE that !
No more black and sad diving masks or transparencies that fade with UV and wear.
Here (finally) comes the time of flashy colors that will shine on the underwater photos and I am already so delighted, what a change compared to black or blue masks.
Finally, would the diving equip
ment become fun?
For years I was hoping to find in the range of diving suits and other accessories colorful products. I once even came to the idea of going to another dive show maybe the Asian Dive Show to discover different diving equipment, more attractive, more cheerful, during a blue day.
And this year BINGO, I was pleased by trying with joy most of the diving masks exposed on display that allowed it (for those who kept them in a closed display, I will come back …) A diving show is the perfect place to find and try on all these masks in one go. This was at the Paris dive show I enjoy so much
Red fish, coral yellow, frog green, ocean blue … there was something for everyone, every brand
Just for you, a small sample of my many fittings to choose your diving mask and make beautiful shots
I now just have to choose the brand, the model and the color
And you, do you like the color in diving or are you rather adept of the traditional colors?
And above all … do not forget to be happy
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PS: this article is not sponsored by any brand of anything but if you are a dealer, do not hesitate to send me a great colorful diving mask, I will try it in the water with pleasure ( I would have tried )