Create and animate a dive blog : my new life as a blogger

Since the beginning of this year, I started with passion to write a dive blog.
Some six months later when I think about the impact this has had on my life. It’s clear, the blog has changed my rhythm and trained me in the reality of a new life as a blogger.
At first, the idea of a Dive Blog was like an idea in the air. A desire to share my thoughts with other divers and underwater life lovers.
But very quickly the requirements for writing a blog have caught up with me. Choice of a web hoster, use of plugin (of what ???), optimization of images to keep a good bandwidth (:-) ). Creating menus, submenus, settings, tools, statistics. And this newsletter to which so many people subscribe and which does still arrive in the spams !
A whole world that was not at all familiar to me and in which I felt completely overwhelmed. SOS, SOS, SOS
Do you really think it’s easy to create a Dive Blog ?
When this is added to unpleasant comments, non-constructive and fortunately very rare like. “this article is crap like the whole blog besides“, this is enough to have a thousand times want to drop everything.
Fortunately, I can count on the unfailing support of my relatives and the help of the “family” team. They know how to guide me when I need it. And then, to counter the discouragement that sometimes wins me, for a moment (and a sip of…) I enjoy other pleasures and it’s gone 😉
Besides these very practical “details”, the writing of a Dive Blog asks to write of course. No problem, I love it. Except that, by starting the Dive Blog, I had a little forgotten the time parameter. I love writing for the blog. I dive into it (normal for a diver) in order to offer quality articles (I hope) for Internet users who pass by and who take the time to read me.
Yet I must admit that writing Dive Blog articles is not limited to typing a few lines on my keyboard.
Did I got screwed ?
It is quite clear that prior to the publication of an article on the Dive Blog, there is upstream a whole work of preparation: reflection on the subject, very long discussions and exchanges with others, readings … Needless to tell you that these are all extremely time-consuming actions that eats a lot of my time
Today, I live “dive blog”, I think “diving blog”, … I even dream “diving blog”, can you imagine ??
But when you love, you don’t count. So I adapt my time and optimize the moments between my work in my “real life”, my lover, my children, my hobbies, … this can sometimes lead to special arrangements.
For example, before when I was traveling it was more like this:
Now it is like this:
The dive blog has positively changed my life by allowing me to sum my pleasure to write, my professional experience as an expert in training, my experience as a diving instructor, my love for the underwater world and the sensations that provides diving, … All this, about diving that I like and makes me happy.
The many positive feedback I receive from Internet users encourages me to continue to offer to divers, sea and oceans lovers, marine life advocates and everyone else, beautiful moments of discovery and reflections.
I love to read the comments on the social networks but especially on the blog because they are like rewards of the work provided and a real happiness for me to be able to exchange “life” with all of you.
Thanks to all of you for sharing.
Good bubbles … Do not forget to be happy 🙂
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