Un plongeur fait une drôle de pause sous l'eau

Diver addicts

Diving sometimes makes you behave strangely and makes you a totally diver addict.

But we already knew that when we dive.

To follow my article about 12 signs that prove that you are REALLY addicted to diving [ READ URGENTLY IF YOU HAVE NOT DONE YET ]. Jean-Jacques, a surfer, offered me a compilation of crazy actions that real divers do when they dive. I propose to share this list with you.

Some of them made me laugh very loud ( 6 is very fun)

25 completely crazy actions for diving addicts when they dive.

1 – By default, you wait 3 minutes on your doorstep before returning to your apartment ..

Publicité DynamicNord

2 – Before leaving your shower, you make a turn on yourself pretending you dive.

3 – You wet your fingers to turn on your pc … at the office

4 – You spit on your glasses before putting them on your nose when you don’t dive.

5 – You breath in and out when pressing the knob of the elevator: you exhale to go down, you inhale to go up!

6 – To leave the bus, you make a giant stride entry like for a dive.

7 – You will refuel your car at a compressor station

8 – You find that there is a strong thermocline when you enter a room where the air-co works too hard (totally crazy diver addict )

9 – When you are at work you use the no stop curve: the more you go to the bottom of the problem the least you stay there.

10 – You lean forward to put the belt on your pants…(Anyway you don’t get dressed you just put your gear on  )

11 – In the office you request and calculate an interval between 2 successive meetings

12 – You make the OK sign to say goodbye to your friends!

13 – When sipping your drink you rub your forearm to ask for an ice cube.

And more …

14 – You move by wave to go to the dive show

15 – You wax your fins in Aspen.

16 – You put your BCD on when on the emergency stop lane of the highway (what a crazy diver addict )

17 – You take off your shoes before getting back on the bus

18 – You ask for a briefing when getting in a taxi (we should all do it by the way)

19 – You rinse your suit in the bath tub  at night when you come home (it is important to maintain your equipment)

20 – When you park your car, you leave an Alpha flag on it

21 – In the parking lot of the supermarket, you inflate your SMB to show your spouse where you are

22 – When leaving an important meeting, you ask your friends so sign your notebook

23 – In the middle of a meeting (still important ) you raise your arm to challenge and show 100 bars with your hands

24 – Before an important appointment (again ???) you have your suit checked by your colleague

25 – … It’s now up to you to find your nice sentence and write it in a comment here ON the blog to extend the list (I was not going to do all the work anyway )

If you recognize yourself in there when you dive then yes you are a real diver addict

Who will find action number 30 ? (And / or the following?)

Be careful, indicate your action which reveals directly in a comment below ⬇️⬇️⬇️ so that it does not get lost on social networks

And above all … do not forget to be happy  


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