The selection – 2017 – The best of the blog Different Dive
2018 is almost there. The end of the year is the perfect time to survey the best dive posts you liked the most.
Here are those who have been the best dive posts, most read, most commented and most shared. You missed one or another article? click on the pictures below to be automatically redirected to those who had, in 2017, the favors of the majority of diving addicts.
Best dive January 2017 post
The month of January 2017 saw the birth of the blog. Stammering initially because of technical ignorance, he really took his real departure in March. In January, it’s the beginning of our beautiful best diving adventure together 🙂
February 2017
While it had just started, the blog recorded its first real success with the massive sharing of the article on best dive for seniors.
It must be said that you are more likely to try the experience of the first dive after 50 years to discover you also the joys of underwater exploration. But beware, it’s not without some precautions to take to (re) discover by reading the article 🙂
March 2017
Discovering the future of Europe’s premier and best dive destination has been favored by Internet users at the end of the winter. It must be said that this destination has many assets that it would be a shame to neglect.
April 2017
You are sensitive to the behavior of your pairs during the best dive. Also, in order to not (more) have unpleasant surprises, you took a lot of fun to discover The 8 attitudes of divers who enjoy more (and more intensely).
May 2017
In Polynesia, the debate on opening the world of diving to instructors who do not own the state certification is raging. In order to understand more clearly this situation, I proposed a critical evaluation on the dive situation in France that you have been several thousand to share, comment, … always with passion for a best dive.
June 2017
As we approached the summer, discovering new diving instruments seemed to be a topic that most of you loved. The proof by this article about the buddy watcher one of the best dive accessory.
July 2017
Big jerk for me in early July. Indeed, a nice article on women and diving during menstruation ignites the powders on social networks groups. I was purely and simply banned from some … proof that the question of gender still has to go it’s way to reach equality in diving. However, “sad news, scuba diving is not for women” will be shared virally and read by many people. Best dive isn’t it ?
August 2017
In the middle of the summer, I ask whether “do we really need to be scared of sharks?” As this subject seems to me important and urgent to treat. It will be unanimous and remains to this day a best dive article to (re) discover regularly for even more awareness.
September 2017
This month you had trouble choosing the best dive.
On the one hand, a serious, long and arduous article explaining “why I decided not to teach the tables anymore as decompression tool during the dive”
On the other hand, an article revealing the 12 signs that prove that you are addicted to diving. In which you are necessarily recognized.
Also, I suggest you rediscover these two articles to decide which one you prefer.
October 2017
Regarding the subject of diving accidents. Many of you have been reacting to the article on the sequence of mistakes to be made. The most difficult article to write about me. (because it pushed me to return to an unpleasant past). I wanted it to be my brick in the building in the prevention of accidents diving and have best dive.
November 2017
In November, we point out safety by revisiting the briefing with the 5-point method for the best dive. And it’s all for even more safety in diving.
December 2017
Very clearly, the article and the video allowing you to understand the pulmonary overpressure in 60 seconds. (and never forget again) had your preference this month, in a concern to fight against diving accidents.
The diving year ends. Stay tuned in 2018 for more and best dive posts, exchanges and fun to continue this beautiful road together.
And you, what were your favorite and best dive post?
Note in comment below your trifecta.
And above all, do not forget to be happy 🙂
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