10 great reasons to dive with your partner in life

Happy couples who maintain their relationship over a long term know that love co-builds day after day throughout a lifetime and that this also involves the sharing of common activities.
I offer you 10 good reasons to dive with your partner in life and share your passion and / or continue to practice diving together for a long time. Because diving is probably the easiest and most enjoyable option 🙂
1 You have your buddy
You are already together in everyday life, what would be simpler for you to extend this link underwater? As a couple, the question of who is the buddy with whom we are going to dive no longer arises. Just dive with your partner in life
No more unpredictable, insecure or other kind of buddy that you are forced to dive with.
You know your buddy so well that everything goes without saying. Be careful however, the habit can sometimes play you tricks and it is therefore important to continue to brief well before the dive 😉
2 Time only for you two
Scuba diving is an extremely time-consuming leisure activity: prepare your gear, go to the dive site, get ready, dive, unpack, share your experience with other divers, go home, rinse and dry the equipment, … A dive will easily take you half a day maybe a full day.
And if you take the opportunity to make these moments your moments just for you two ?
3 Holidays
This is probably one of the most enjoyable reasons to dive with your partner in life.
Have you ever listened to scuba divers planning their next vacation? All their destinations stick to water, diving spots, …. It can be difficult sometimes if your partner in life does not share your passion.
With scuba diving, no worries, you will always be ok to devote your holiday to diving. Unless your children rebelled ?
4 Sharing experience when you dive with your partner in life
The divers who live together know this well :
It is pleasant and obvious to spend hours discussing dives made or to plan the following, discussing the equipment, …
But also to exchange about the emotions (positive and / or negative) felt during the last dives, and to understand each other
5 Communication when you dive with your partner in life
As a couple, it is possible to invent a language of its own for diving. Scuba dive just for yourself and exchange words of love underwater 😉
It makes us creative … and we love it
6 Increase trust in others
When diving, with the concept of buddy, it is important to be able to trust your diving partner and it might be easier when you dive with your partner in life.
In the event of an incident / accident, he or she will help or be helped by you. Having confidence in the other is an essential point to reduce the stress that could arise during an immersion.
Interesting for a couple to increase confidence in each other in unusual situations, isn’t it ?
7 Taking care of the other when you dive with your partner in life
When diving, it is important to watch over each other.
Whether it’s to help out the other to get equiped, check all the dive gear or find solutions to problems that may arise before, during or after your dive.
Also ensure that each one hydrates, that the heavy loads are distributed, …
It looks natural when it comes to dive with your partner in life
8 Expand your circle of mutual friends
The world of diving is like a big family populated by people that we rub shoulders regularly. The regular meeting with other divers can see the birth of very beautiful friendships that continue well beyond the diving activity alone.
9 Competencies can be reversed
One of the characteristics of diving is that it is a recreational sports activity in which many different skills are put forward: self-control, understanding of instructions, cooperation, integration of theoretical concepts into practice, understanding the others, respecting the ecosystems, …
These skills are accessible to all
Moreover, they allow each one to be highlighted in the activity. It is possible, for example, that the stronger of the two is not the most comfortable to perform technical exercises, …
10 Share the same passion
Vibrate together from the same fire. Feeling affected in front of a shoal of hammerhead sharks, an octopus or the sight of a beautiful spotted moray eal. To be happy to discover other horizons by holding the hand of the one you love. To witness with wonder the immense wealth of underwater life.
Cultivate in two this great secret that makes each dive a success.
Share all this and more with him, with her.
Convinced to dive with your partner in life ?
If your partner in life is already diving, continue, this is just pure happiness 😉
On the other hand, if this is not yet the case, get him/her in your adventure and let him/her become part of the beautiful adventure of your life as a couple.
Want to share your experiences, comments and questions about diving with your partner in life ?
Post a comment below … it will be my pleasure to exchange with you 😉
Good bubbles and do not forget to be happy 🙂
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