Kjell Inge Rokke will soon rise to the level of the new modern philanthropists as Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates.

With a fortune estimated at 1.8 billion euros. This Norwegian billionaire who is a self-made man. And who has build his fortune with his company Aker Solutions. Active in the fields of offshore drilling. Oil and gas but also maritime transport was Until now unknown to the general public. He wants now the clean up of oceans

On Tuesday, May 2. He announced in the newspaper Aftenposten that he wanted to “restore to the society the greater part of what he earned”. And consequently devote the greater part of his fortune to the defense of a cause.

The good news is that Kjell Inge Rokke’s main goal is to clean up the oceans. And eliminate tons of plastic that are being dumped every year.

We have already seen that many projects to clean the seas and oceans were already launched. And that the hope of a small larva was also born. This new initiative by Kjell Inge Rokke is therefore boosting the future solutions for oceans and seas, to reduce the catastrophic pollution caused by plastic.

What does Kjell Inge Rokke intend to do, clean up of oceans ?

If the billionaire has not been very precise about the actions he intends to take. He is already known to work with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). And Constructing for 2020 of a gigantic ship (181 meters) whose missions will be the operations of cleaning the oceans (the boat will be able to melt up to 5 tons of plastics per day) but above all a mobile platform of new research for solutions for depollution of seas and oceans.

For divers and other enthusiasts of the aquatic world, it is still good news and an opportunity to be happy in the awareness of the urgency of preserving this environment that we love so much.

In the meantime, in order to act , we can also adopt positive attitudes in diving underwater to participate actively in the preservation of the seas and oceans.

Publicité DynamicNord

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