It is difficult to create a name when you are the son of a character. As famous as Commandant Cousteau. and Cousteau Pierre-Yves makes no exception.

Also, when my friend Marine told me that she knew him. I really wanted to know more about the very particular course of one of the children of the famous Commander with the red cap.

Route of a man with many facets and unusual destiny

The “son of”

Born in the early 80s of Jacques-Yves Cousteau’s second marriage with Francine Triplet. Pierre-Yves Cousteau is immersed in the world of diving from a very young age. Indeed, at the age of nine, his father, Commandant Cousteau introduced him to scuba diving.

While little Pierre-Yves quickly became addicted to diving. The notoriety of his father’s prevents him from following a normal training course because wherever he goes it’s the same story. “The son of Commandant Cousteau? No need for a certification, let’s go! “

If that might please some of us. Pierre-Yves tells me that because of this, he will remain a poor diver until the age of 27. When he decides to finally get trained as Divemaster. And in parallel with his level 4 FFESSM.

Surprising, isn’t it ? 😉

The adventurer

A tireless fighter. Evolving far from Parisian social norms, Pierre-Yves Cousteau then travels the world and dives a lot of spots that would make more than one passionate diver dream. Asked what are his favorite dive spots. Even if the question seems difficult. He tells me that it is the islands of Wolff and Darwin in the  Galapagos and the Coral Triangle in Indonesia that have his preference.

The ecologist

When he does not dive. Pierre-Yves Cousteau looks for ways to involve recreational divers in participatory science through his association Cousteau Divers. Since 2009, it promotes positive actions that everyone can do to improve the knowledge of the marine environment.

To this end, it seeks to collect data on the environment. To involve diving centers in the creation and management of local marine protected areas or to raise awareness of environmental issues.

Pierre-Yves Cousteau en plongée sous-marine

The creative

Pierre-Yves Cousteau is lucid. And sees his work as an opportunity to use his famous name and knowledge to find innovative solutions to major contemporary environmental problems.
Aware that this is a chance to carry the name of Cousteau. But eager to be more than a “son of” and bring a real added value for the preservation of the oceans. Pierre-Yves also smiles about an anecdote, after an awareness conference someone came to see him saying:

“You are the son of Commander Cousteau?! Congratulations!” passing the famous filiation in front of the efforts led by Pierre-Yves to always improve his actions in favor of the environment.

With a positive personality, and even if his name opens doors. Pierre-Yves is not discouraged to find that his actions are slowed down by a lack of resources. And to fight against insufficient resources, he proposes innovation, creation of multiplies projects.

Of course, when one is invested in this type of activity, one is led to see the world evolve and adapt.

While his vision has changed a lot in particular on participatory science. Pierre-Yves Cousteau wants to focus on the development of Project Hermes, to reveal the ocean temperatures thanks to divers. He counts on this incredible community of enthusiasts to continue the actions of environmental protection.

What’s more normal for him who sees divers as the first witnesses of the degradation of the marine environment?

Indeed, for him, all  these enthusiasts are on the front lines. And if the diving business is the only one in the world that directly benefits from a healthy and diversified environment, Pierre-Yves would very much like to see this industry play a greater role in ocean conservation.

Who’s readay to take action ?

The dreamer

Of course, Pierre-Yves does not stop there and he dreams of also developing the “Cousteau Divers” certification for diving centers all over the world. He also dreams to revolutionize the participative multimedia thanks to the knowledge of “crowd” (crowd-sensing ). And many other projects, all more ambitious than the others … but which will have to evolve with the available resources.

When I ask him what his dream is as a diver. Pierre-Yves Cousteau simply tells me that it would be to dive into an ocean with no human impacts (so on another planet). And full of life still to be discovered. And of course. I like to think that many of us are fondling this hope of an aquatic environment free from all human footprints and pollution.

The pragmatist

It would surely be wrong to convey the message that living with one’s passion is simple and unambiguous. Yet, like Pierre-Yves and like many other people whose destiny you can read here, it is possible.

And Pierre-Yves gives us his advice full of wisdom and common sense to allow each and every one of us to pursue his own dream with his own strength:

“Living your passion is risky and scary. My advice would be to develop a distinct expertise and make the link with his passion to bring something unique … an interesting idea, so why not ? … “

… And I must admit that I really like this inspiring vision of  things that insists on the interest to highlight the skills of each and every one of us to make our actions original and promising.

Are you ready to live off your passion?

Publicité DynamicNord

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Good bubbles and do not forget to be happy  


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