7 reasons why you should not dive

Give up diving
Diving is a good activity and you usually look forward to the opportunities to dive. Yes, despite your enthusiasm, sometimes it’s better to give up diving.
Between despair and responsibility, it is better to choose to carry out your dives with happiness and to avoid at all costs potentially accidental situations.
By agreeing to give up diving in some cases you will not only avoid moments of anxiety, stress or trouble, but you will also guarantee to always see diving as a pleasure.
Focus on 7 reasons why you should give up diving
1. You don’t feel it
Always start by following rule number 1 “I don’t feel it, I don’t dive.” It doesn’t matter what the reason is and no matter what others may (possibly) think of you. You don’t have to justify yourself. Even at the last minute, even when entering the water.
👉 If you don’t feel it, it’s better to give up diving.
2. You are in poor mental condition
Whether due to personal, professional or other concerns, you may not be in a high mental condition allowing you to make your dive or to guarantee a safe dive for you or your buddy. Prefer to give up diving. This will save you as much as possible from anxieties.
3. You are in poor physical condition
Exhaustion, cold or other illness, onset of allergy… all the reasons that weaken the body should also encourage you to give up diving. If you ignore this recommendation, you may be in danger and you may put your team in danger.
Always be honest with yourself and avoid lying about your health. The best health advisor is not your favorite group on social networks. He’s your doctor and no one else.
Did you party too much the night before or abusing alcohol ? Refrain and take time to rest and rehydrate your body.
👉 Diving In Jamaica: Focus On A Sometimes Forgotten Destination
4. Your equipment is defective or unsuitable
When you arrived on the spot, during the material check you see a broken part. If you don’t have a safe way to arrange, you should give up diving.
Next time, you will think about maintaining your diving gear and checking it properly before you leave home. Even if in some cases it’s just “bad luck”.
Occasionally, the equipment may not be suitable: too tight or too large, not enough weight, too small fins, mask not holding well on your face…
5. You don’t trust your buddy
It is also a very good reason to give up diving. Under water, you need to trust your buddy. If not and for any reason, ask to dive with someone else. If this is not possible, stay on the surface and enjoy life differently.
6. You see safety issues
No water on the boat, no first aid kit, no oxygen, no means to contact the rescue… If the organizer is careless about these basic points of diving safety, it is likely that the rest will not be better. Be careful and prefer to give up diving. There are many other responsible and welcoming dive shops around the world.
7. The proposed dive is not suited to your level of experience
Of course if you are offered a easy spot, you can take the opportunity to make more pictures, review certain gestures, you may also have fun testing one or the other thing … or test the “praise for slowness”, for example.
On the other hand, if the spot seems complicated compared to your level of experience and you do not feel safe, do not hesitate to give up diving.
Too much current, reduced visibility or much deeper than usual are good reasons to give up diving this should be gradually apprehended.
Otherwise, you may be scared to death, or go towards an accident. Which of course you want to avoid.
All these reasons that keep us on the surface
Finally, there are many reasons why we can give up diving. However, divers have often difficulties to give up diving because they are worried about the reaction of others or they do not want to miss such a beautiful dive.
In addition, never forget that diving is AND must remain a pleasure. Think about it.
Has it ever happened to you?
Tell us this in a comment below or on the Facebook page to share your experience.
And above all… remember to be happy 🤗