Different Dive by Mokarran T-shirts: collaboration in favor of sharks

Different Dive T-shirts created by Mokarran
They were one of my first favorites. I told you the story of the Mokarrande project these two passionate people of the underwater world. Creators in particular of diving oriented t-shirts. A few months later, through Different Dive, I gladly accepted to be a Mokarran ambassador. And wear Different Dive by Mokarran t-shirts
At the same time, I asked them if they would be willing to think about designing Different Dive by Mokarran T-shirt for my blog. Just for me, for the pleasure of mixing Mokarran’s creativity with the name Different Dive. Another match between art and the world of diving.
The project has evolved. It’s finally a model accessible to all divers that is available on their shop. A model that YOU can also get.
Indeed, Vincent and Mélo did me the pleasure and honor of creating a t-shirt design in the spirit of Different Dive.
A t-shirt that expresses our passion for diving and marine animals.
In addition, they are the first t-shirts designed by Mokarran with a specific design for scuba diving 😍
Different Dive T-shirts, a smart investment in sharks
Because it’s nicer to make smart purchases, for every t-shirt purchased, 4€ will be donated to projects working for the protection of sharks. These projects were chosen by me.
As a result, 2€ will go to Steven Surina‘s Shark Education and 2€ to Fabienne Rossier’s Shark Mission France.
I do not receive any income from the sale of the Different Dive by Mokarran t-shirts. Just a pleasure to contribute in my own way to the protection of sharks.
Because we know that it is imperative today to protect these magnificent large predators.
To discover them, simply click on the t-shirts below.
What a pleasure to tell me that other diving enthusiasts and subscribers of my blog will also be able to get a t-shirt just like Different Dive while supporting the cause of shark protection.
Maybe some of you will even send me a picture of them, taken somewhere at the end of the world, also wearing a Different Dive by Mokarran t-shirt?
It would be really too great to see that.
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And above all… don’t forget to be happy 🤗