Which diving destination is number 1 on your “TO DIVE LIST”?

When we talk about objective, dream, … it is customary to talk about to do list or bucket list.
It’s about putting on a list all best diving we want to do before dying; all the experiences that are important to us and that we want to achieve at least once in our life.
As diving is totally addictive, it’s hard to imagine making a bucket list without including scuba diving experiences.
Also, at the beginning of 2018, I wanted to think about these destinations that I would absolutely like to explore in my life as a diver and create my best diving “TO DIVE LIST”
Without putting them in an order of priority, I wanted to share with you my 10 spots of diving where I dream to go to diving.
Best diving in alphabetical order :
1. Antarctica
To discover a unique preserved environment, to find oneself in an intact nature and to make unforgettable dives
2. Cocos – Malpelo – Galapagos
A trio of islands to visit in exceptional diving cruises as best diving.
3. Easter Island
One of those dive destinations that still seems so cut off from the world. Discovery of a civilization and this island lost in the middle of the ocean also a best diving.
4. Iceland
The famous Silfra Fissure attracts every year many diving enthusiasts who dream to evolve in the crystalline waters of this fissure that separates two continents.
5. Mayotte
One of the largest lagoons in the world that hosts many marine mammals every year
6. Palau
The archipelago of Rock Islands, the Jellyfish Lake or the huge biodiversity present in Palau rivals the quality of best diving spots.
7. Raja Ampat
Sanctuary of scuba diving, Raja Ampat is considered by some as the most beautiful marine biodiversity reserve in the world. UNESCO reflects on Raja Ampat as World Heritage
8. San Fransisco
Old child’s dream; discover San Fransisco and its unique atmosphere lost in the mist. Diving in the kelp among sea lion colonies
9. Scapa Flow one of the cold best diving spot
Huge underwater cemetery of World War I wrecks, Scapa Flow is a mythical place for those who love to meet history and diving, who loves the underwater life that develops on these wrecks and / or who enjoy good whiskys.
10. Truck Lagoon is a real best diving destination.
Other climate, other war, other dives. Like its counterpart Scapa Flow, Truck Lagoon is home to many wrecks from World War II
In 2018, I planned to go to two of these special dive destinations … can you guess which ones?
And you, what is the destination number 1 of your best diving TO DIVE LIST?
Tell me your diving dreams in a comment below, it will be a pleasure to exchange with you 🙂
I am also interested in yours good plans, advices, ideas, …
And most importantly,… do not forget to be happy 🤗
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