Un professeur de plongée est occupé a regarder devant lui dans la piscine en pensant à l'évolution des formations de plongée pendant qu'un enfant plonge à côté de lui.
Livre plongée Zen

Scuba diving Training evolution

Regularly, when I write an article on scuba diving training evolution and a different vision of “what we have always done” as it was the case HERE, I have globally two types of reaction:

A small part of the divers-surfers start to argue. They are very often the same but they speak very loud behind their keyboards. And they do not want to talk about Scuba diving Training evolution. These people also use a language mainly aggressive and / or denigrating.
They accuse me of wanting to make the buzz, of only knowing how to write useless articles etc..

Fortunately, a very large part of the divers-surfers, is pleased to see (finally) other ideas, other points of view. They are interested to debate on the subject proposed even if they do not necessarily agree with what I write. Some of them, having a very long experience, sometimes prefer to exchange in private. Probably not to pick up the wrath of the small part described above.

If “change” is not what human being prefers (naturally he will prefer to seek the point of balance and stay in his comfort zone), we would probably gain knowledge by accepting to question us even when it’s about teaching it is not always easy. Scuba diving Training evolution is part of our day to day life.

We do not always have the right look to understand the emerging phenomena. We tend to approach them with grids of old readings and we conclude then that nothing has changed.”
J. Lévy

Is it really so difficult in this world of enthusiasts to imagine that teachings can change?

I know that we like our training and / or our way of teaching. This is more normal since we chose it. But does that exclude the possibility of sometimes looking at things from another angle even if “we have always done like that”. Scuba diving Training evolution is important.

Perhaps in our world that moves so quickly we could apprehend the innovations in terms of equipment, techniques and / or knowledge related to diving with current standards in place of our experience (sometimes old, or very old).

Sometimes we are surprised to see on dive spots more and more an irremediably aging public. Indeed, if I am the first to be happy to see the diving open to all regardless of age. 

I am also aware that it is important to introduce the younger generations in this wonderful activity. This in particular to raise awareness from the childhood on the preservation of marine biodiversity and to guarantee the future of the sector.

Therefore, without rejecting what has always been done, we could try to approach things from time to time with the most neutral look possible,. We could openly ask young divers what they think about it, and approach the world of diving with a new and current perspective.

It is never easy to put the main principles of pedagogy at stake or to reassess their relevance not with the reading grids of yesterday but with those of today. I am sure this is quite possible.

Scuba diving training evolution: an impossible quest?

In my opinion, the answer is NO.

In my professional environment, I regularly bring together actors from different training networks. My observation after several years of practice is very clearly positive:

The enrichment of each is increased by the sharing of points of view of professionals from multiple backgrounds.

The professionals exchange with each other. They confront their ideas and leave with a broader and enriched vision allowing to make changes in their own fields of action.

From then on, it would seem to me very interesting and constructive that the technical advisers and other decision-makers of the large diving training agencies also meet to share their points of view and to exchange on their practices.

Pub Dynamicnord décembre

As far as I’m concerned, I have the belief that it is possible to evolve diving training. I’m sure we would have a lot to gain. And you, what do you think ?

And most importantly, do not forget to be happy


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