Number of dives: is it so important ?

The number of dives
Many divers wonder about the number of dives needed each year. I like to say that there is no better way to perfect your scuba diving than to dive, dive and dive again. It is by diving that one becomes “diver” (or something like that 😁)
The practice of activity in the natural environment seems to be the best exercise to improve your scuba diving technique. But also to gain better buoyancy and learn, through experience and mistakes, good practices.
However, it is clear that the number of dives is perhaps not the determining point to take pleasure in diving and gain experience.
Indeed, it is far from the time when diving was reserved for a sporting elite. Daddy’s dive Is long gone. Today, the profiles of divers are very varied and with them, the diving frequency also evolves.
But then, how many dives do divers do per year?
When we ask divers, we notice four dive frequencies:
1 A small number of dives: “tourists”
This is the case for divers who only dive during their holidays preferably in warm waters. They are determined to take their time to observe underwater life around the globe.
They are satisfied with a number of dives that are recreational dive, often shallow, often supervised and focused on the experience and well-being they get from it.
According to a hyperbaric medicine specialist interviewed at this symposium, they would be a majority to be in this profile with an average of 12 dives per year.
2 An average number of dives “regulars”
Those who occasionally dive close to home. Most often, they avoid cold winter waters unless they are lucky enough to live in favorable climates and they care less about number of dives .
They dive with pleasure during the summer season, leave as often as possible and sometimes even dive dry suit. They are found everywhere, according to their desires.
3 A large number of dives, “hard-core”
Nothing stops these divers. As soon as they see a body of water than they wonder if it is possible to dive in it. They dive all year round and in all latitudes: warm waters, cold waters, ice diving, … no one can stop them.
And the dives follow each other in the logbooks with mostly a lot of variety as well. They gain a lot of experience.
Sure, they must have been fish in a previous life;-)
4 “The Pros” 😉
They don’t know anymore the number of dives logged in their book they have. Some dive almost every day of the year. Other made the choice to link their passion for diving with their job. They sometimes left everything to realize their dream as I explain here.
That said, if they dive at an incredible rate, some of them still operate in the same environment. In the end, they have a smaller variety of diving experiences than some other non-professional divers.
Finally, whether you are a tourist, a regular, a hard-core or pro, no matter how many dives you make as long as they are magnificent.
Sometimes I don’t want to dive (yes, yes, it happens to me), so I don’t go. Similarly, if I do not like the conditions, I postpone it to the next day or later.
For me, the main thing in diving is to say “I want, I’m going”
Diving should not suffer any obligation and be practiced with pleasure.
Are you more of a tourist or a hard worker?
Leave me a comment directly on the blog for the pleasure of exchanging all together.
And above all, … remember to be happy 🤗