Defibrilator (AED) – oxygen: 5 good reasons to train

In scuba diving, the prevention of accidents and their consequences is crucial.
The use of a defibrilator and the learning of the oxygen administration allows to participate actively in the first aid of his buddy or any other diver. I’s easy. Everybody can do it. It cost you almost nothing. And even in the street, you can help people in distress. So, no reason not to get trained.
Being trained in its first actions makes it possible to be more efficient and faster with a Defibrilator.
There are at least 5 good reasons to train to use a defibrilator and oxygen:
1 – It’s not complicated to use a Defibrilator and a few simple gestures can really help. Today a defibirlator is easy to use or just speak to you. You will just need to do what it tels you to do.
2 – Training is not long and tomorrow it may be you who will need care
3 – The gestures you learn are generally valid both for diving accidents and for other accidents of everyday life
4 – Oxygen is certainly a drug but its diving benefits are incomparable. DAN training will explain in detail how to administer it easily.
5 – Because defibrilator and oxygen are increasingly present in public places, knowing how to use them quickly, without hesitation and without fear can save lives. Everyone will come out and the potential safety of people will be improved.
In addition, this type of training is accessible to all, divers and non-divers. A good reason more not to deprive yourself. Some training agencies request the diver to be trained. To administer oxygen and for advanced specialties to use a defibrilator.
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