à la question où plonger en décembre, on peut répondre en Norvège pour observer les orques.
Livre plongée Zen

Diving with killer whales or orcas is certainly one of the most impressive dives to be made at least once in a lifetime.

While they are present from the poles to the tropical seas, every year it is during the months of November to February that Norway receives the greatest concentration of orcas in the world. These amazing predators are attracted to the banks of millions of herring present at this time in the waters of the fjords. And gives us the option to snorkel with them. Or by chance to see them during a dive.

Pub Dynamicnord décembre

The reputation of “killer whale” or orcas.

Makes the orca a mythical and impressive animal. However, even if it surprises, the Orcas with its 9 meters in length and its weight of up to 8 tons this imposing mammal is allowed to approach by the divers on the surface without any aggressiveness. Indeed, the orca feeds on fish, sharks, sea lions, seals, not us. This mammal is very big but not as right wales or sperm whales.

Orcas does not represent a threat to man when he is in his natural environment. Only a few cases of killer whale attacks against humans have been reported. In enclosed environments (marine park, basins, …). However as for all wild animals, satay safe. Don’t bother it. Don’t come to close and respect local rules.

Orcas are social animals that establishes specific hunting strategies. Due to this fact, immersing yourself near an orca almost automatically gives the guarantee of seeing several. Especially since the visibility in these crystalline waters regularly reach 40 meters!

Because the country is beautiful, enjoy this unusual dive to discover the beautiful scenery and the multitude of colorful fishing villages that stretch along the fjords.

Want to discover other unusual dives with Orcas ? Subscribe quickly to the blog and Facebook page to share the adventure.

… What a great time 😃
