Plonger sur le SS Thistlegorm en Mer Rouge

During his expeditions in the fifties in the Red Sea. Cousteau would suspect that he was going to discover a wreck that would become later in the 90s one of the most popular sites of divers, the thistlegorm ?

Back in October 1941 with thistlegorm,

While traveling towards Alexandria in the Red Sea, SS Thistlegorm was hit by two German bombers Heinkel HE 111. After sailing to America, Argentina and the West Indies. The English ship was in charge of transporting various equipment. And equipment to assist the 8th Army in view of “Operation Crusade”. Locomotives, trucks, jeeps, caterpillars, motorcycles, machine guns and ammunition, …

128 m long, the SS Thistlegorm stands right on a sandy bottom of 30 meters. The deepest point is at the propeller with a maximum depth of 32 meters.

And today ?

The SS Thistlegorm is considered one of the most beautiful wrecks in the world and continues to attract crowds of divers envious to discover this mythical and particular spot.

The descent takes place in a warm sea with generally good visibility. As the ship approaches, the schools of fish rotate around the divers before allowing them to look at the giant standing on the sand. Barracudas, batfish, snappers and other jacks welcome divers and guide them to their destination.

The thistlegorm holds have remained intact for many years. And we can still clearly distinguish a motorcycle, a jeep, and ammunition boxes there.

The emotion is there when we fly over the thistlegorm wreck and become aware of its immensity.

To dive the SS Thistlegorm is to dive into history.

The beauty of thie thistlegorm could however make us forget that it remains a discovery reserved for level 2 * or Advanced divers with a minimum of experience of diving at sea due to the currents that can be violent and Its depth.

Let us dive with pleasure, safely to admire the wonders engulfed.

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