Three Fountains quarry: the crazy dream of three diving enthusiasts

Three fountains quarry
A year ago, I had the opportunity to meet Maximilian, Mickael and Vincent at the three fountains quarry.
These three guys had the crazy project to clean the three fountains quarry. And make it a dive site and wanted to discuss it with us who already had experience in this area.
To be honest, my feeling back then was “it’s going to be tough”.
It must be said that the magnitude of the work could scare the bravest of us.
As I am passionate about exciting projects and those who invest in them. I followed their project by far waiting patiently for the authorization of the first dive.
This month of October, at the end of a rainy afternoon. (this fine and continuous rain that may only exist here). I finally visited the brand new site of the three fountains quarry in Nil-Saint-Vincent to perform a night dive.
Located in the heart of Belgium, the private quarry is part of a property of Maximilian’s family.
The parking spaces are “expensive” (because they are few). And it is clearly asked participants of the day’s dive to group together by vehicle.
In order to explore the quarry when it was still clear. The project managers invite me and my partner to come sooner than expected.
We are warmly welcomed by Maximilian and Vincent (Mickael will arrive a little later). And note the huge change made by these diving enthusiasts. Pruning trees, development of the “tunnel” (it is the very charming club house atypical of the place). Creation of a floating dock, … and a water which seems to us pleasantly clear at three fountains quarry.
Here, an effort is also clearly made to protect the environment that goes to the dry toilets wonderfully clean and integrated into the site
It’s time to dive at three fountains quarry
Without too much delay, we jump into the water after the clear and concise briefing at dusk.
First observation, the water is not cold for the season: 15 ° C everywhere and no thermoclean. The shallow (17-18m deep) and medium-sized quarry makes it possible to circle at different depths. Admiring here and there the rocks encrusted with quartz.
In the background, small bugs are active in number to break down organic matter. While larvae of insects shining in our light beams punctuate our journey.
Freshwater sponges are colonized by thousands of tiny aquatic insects
Discreetly, the local crayfish plays it “autumn version” by hiding itself in the dead leaves.
As the quarry is Belgian, obviously you can see it, and there are some funny discoveries 😉
We come back from this beautiful and pleasant dive some 50 minutes later.
On the black ink-water surface, we can see the light beams of the buddy teams ending their dives and the lights of the two freedivers who are training in the space dedicated to them.
The charm of the very original after-dive at three fountains quarry
It’s time for a meal. Our three friends have planned everything. Basket of refreshing drinks (local beers, wine and soft drinks). And delicious homemade hamburger to enjoy … during a walk on the water!
If the project of the rehabilitation of the quarry of the Three Fountains is successful. The originality of the place resides most probably in this floating dock allowing activities as pleasant as tasty: storyteller meal, night meal with the sounds of animals all around, …
A wonderful idea that gives a charm to their project and gives us the desire to come back again and again.
Three fountains, a career for whom ?
The Trois Fontaines quarry is open to all divers but is subject of a prior registration on the dedicated Facebook page.
Those who seek deep diving will probably not find happiness in the quarry of the Three Fountains, but all others …
Here, we come for the conviviality, the confidential dives out of the crowd, the friendship, the pleasure to dive and to see the water changing with the seasons at three fountains quarry.
Beginners and children (in summer when the water is warmer) will be delighted if the start point is a little simplified.
Epicureans will love the meal on the water after the dive and the choice of drinks offered.
The timid, introverted and newcomers to the world of diving will enjoy the unique atmosphere of this moment “Guest floating table” that will make guests starting to share their scuba diving experiences. Of course, it is impossible to isolate yourself or leave the table before the dock has returned a shore … What happiness!
Prospects for the future of this very young body of water
When Maximilian, Mickael and Vincent ask us if we would have improvements to suggest it is difficult to answer
After some reflections, I would say : continue the work of “removing trees from the water” already well advanced, perhaps give a boost to nature by introducing (with great caution) local species of fish, improve the way you enter into the water by a handrail to avoid slipping (and allow children and beginners to immerse themselves without stress), clean and put the car just waiting for it in the quarry, and then especially …
… develop all the related projects that they talk to us about (but hush, it will be the pleasure to discover them little by little)
However, I can already tell you that Maximilian, Mickael and Vincent would see a plane cleared at the bottom of the three fountains quarry, notice to plane owners 🙂
Waiting to dive at the Trois Fontaines quarry
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Diving offers the opportunity to its enthusiasts to develop wonderful projects with dreams, courage and a lot of will to get there.
And you, what is your dream ?
Post a comment below … it will make me really happy to discover your dreams as divers
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Good bubbles and do not forget to be happy 🙂
You like to dive in your quarry but have you ever met these beautiful freshwater creatures ?
If you also want to highlight a project you are carrying, do not hesitate to contact me